
Thank you to all of our sponsors. We recognize past and most recent sponsors and could not function without the generosity of our industry.  Corporate sponsorship offsets conference costs providing increased opportunities for professionals in rights-of-way vegetation management to remain current on industry research, updates, and developments, along with networking with other industry professionals. The Mountain Lake Vegetation Management Council (MLVMC) represents a long standing effort providing direction for professionals and regulators who are responsible for management of rights-of-way.  If you would like to sponsor MLVMC, please contact, Matt Sink mssink@aep.com

2024 Sponsor Info: All sponsors are entitled to an EXHIBIT TABLE IN the exhibit area. When signing up as a SPONSOR, please indicate if you desire to put up a table. Sponsors signing up after 9/20/24 will be verbally recognized but may not be featured on all printed signage at the event due to printing deadlines. We will try our best to feature you everywhere we can as printing and publication deadlines allow.


$5,000 – 4 registrations  + booth = Diamond
$3,000 – 3 registrations + booth = Platinum
$1,000 – 2 registrations + booth = Gold
$600 – 1 registration  + booth = Silver
$550 – no booth = Sustaining Member

2024 Diamond Sponsors

2024 Platinum Sponsors

2024 Gold Sponsors

2024 Silver Sponsors

2024 Sustaining Sponsors